Thursday, April 17, 2008

Chickens! Concert Series #17: 3 Inches of Blood

Sorry, I got a little ahead of myself there concert-wise. I forgot about the interesting 3 Inches of Blood experience from last weekend. 3IOB is a heavy/power metal band (taking its cues from bands like Judas Priest and Iron Maiden but louder/shriller) that started in Vancouver in 2000. Here is their LastFM page (you may recall LastFM from this post). Interestingly this turned out to be an all ages show (that meant no alcohol and 14-year-olds-running around playing tag). Of course 3IOB had a table full of beer during the concert (people kept shouting at them to share it but they didn't). Let me just say that that strikes me as a very unsound financial decision and leave it at that. The concert itself was good but quite short (we didn't stay for the opening bands and we missed the first song or two before we made it back to Ryly's).
They played "Deadly Sinners" which is the song I know so everybody wins (except for all the scary metal guys who didn't get to drink, the people who were working the "bar" that didn't get any tips, the bar that didn't make any money, the people who got cold because of the enforced coat check, and the little underage punks whose parents let them go to metal shows at nightclubs until all hours).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey...the person screaming at the scary looking metal guys on stage to share their beer was ME!!! Heee heee. Don't take away our beer-makes us angry!! But Manchester made more than they normally would on a Sunday!


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