Sunday, February 24, 2008

Gorgeous tiny chicken machine show

I thought I'd take a page from Jeremy's book and show a hilarious Japan inspired internet comedy talk show parody thing. It has been described as "a cross between David Letterman, Pee-Wee Herman, Steve Irwin, Emeril, and a Japanese schoolgirl on meth." No kidding! Plus it's about chickens...kind of. The difference here is that they are doing it on purpose as opposed to being a serious thing that ends up being hilarious because of wacky exuberance combined with cultural and linguistic differences. I'm not sure which is funnier. I wonder which is more politically incorrect? In this you're laughing with them not at them, but they are laughing at someone so we are laughing at someone by association. Hmmm, I guess it's like anything. It's easier to laugh at jokes about things that are serious but intrinsically funny for whatever reason than actually laughing at the thing itself because the original usually has other emotions and meanings wrapped up with it. Adding a layer in between softens the blow. Like political comedy or social satirists for example. This hour has 22 minutes or The Daily Show make fun of some social, religious, or political folly which, though hilarious and ironic, is often also tragic or upsetting or a chilling vision of human ineptitude placed in power and run amok. It's funny because it is supposed to be funny, not funny because if we didn't laugh we'd cry (although I do love irony). Or take people getting hurt. You may think it is funny when you see someone get hurt but there is little bit of you that remembers, "oh wait that guy got hurt! I hope those burns don't prevent him from having children! I hope his family will be able to support itself while he's in recovery! I hope that dog doesn't have to be put down!" and so on. But, what if I told you about the moron who got bit in the crotch by a pack of toy poodles because he accidentally spilled hot bacon grease down his pants? Hilarious! And it is far enough removed from the actual people that it's OK to laugh at their pain. Well anyway, enough of my musings.

Watch the first episode:

p.s. There is an official website of the GTCM show but the myspace page is funnier and has all the shows on it (I think the second episode is actually funnier than this one). It's by a comedy group called Mediocre Films which has quite a few hilarious shorts. Also it's linked to a movement called Group 101, which is apparently the largest short film content generator in the world. Go figure.
p.p.s. Rick Pope aka. Lick Poop also has a myspace page and so does the Unicow.

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What the ?! ..... Chickens! by CP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada License.