Saturday, March 31, 2007
Housecrawl time
Because no one got that the first video I posted was the original version of " Tequila " from 1958 (a "surf instrumental" by the band The Champs) I decided to repost with an educational document on how to properly read tequila labels. Also, here is a more recognizable version of "Tequila" from the 90's with creepy animation.
HOW TO READ A TEQUILA LABEL 1. The word "tequila" written somewhere on the bottle.
2. NOM Number... this is the distillery's identification number. Sometimes you find this number on the front of the label, sometimes on the back. It's your assurance that the tequila was made in Mexico under Mexican standards.
3. This tequila is aged. The label might also identify it as silver, gold, or reposado.
4. The brand. You will find, on occasion, that a distillery will make several different tequilas. Sometimes the tequilas are not different, they just have different labels. Check the NOM numbers to see if it is truly different or just in a different bottle.
5. Bottle size. In this case it's a litre. It could be 750ml, and you can even get it in "mickey" size.
6. Distiller's name and location. There are only five regions in Mexico that are allowed to produce tequila.
7. This tequila is made from 100% agave hearts. If the label says anything else, it ain't agave and the product is most likely a blend. Some poor-quality fake tequilas claim to be 100% agave, so it helps to know your brand names.
8. The picture... with tequila bottles, it can be anything but usually reflects something about the tequila (brand/type/name/etc.)
9. Proof... usually twice the percentage of alcohol.
Posted by
4:12 p.m.
Labels: housecrawl, how to guide, music, watch this
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Cute otters from the Vancouver aquarium
Posted by
11:01 p.m.
Labels: cute things, viral videos, watch this
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Jesus Camp
Posted by
7:23 p.m.
Labels: politics and religion, simpsons, watch this
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Because we were talking about it last night:
Posted by
11:36 a.m.
Labels: archaeology, comics, movies, nostalgia
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Timmy Ho's "Roll Up the Rim"
What is the point of this? I'm actually beating the odds by not winning! Stupid Tim Horton's.
"Roll up the Rim" winners as of March 20th:
ODDS OF WINNING (from the official rules)
At the outset: the overall approximate odds across North America of being eligible to win one of the Thirty (30) 2007 Toyota Camry Hybrid B Packages are one (1) in 9,007,900; the overall approximate odds of being eligible to win one of the One Hundred (100) Panasonic 42" Plasma Televisions are one (1) in 2,702,370; the overall approximate odds of being eligible to win one (1) of Five Hundred (500) cash prizes of $1,000.00 are one in 540,474; the overall approximate odds of being eligible to win one of Ten Thousand (10,000) Apple iPod nano digital music players are one (1) in 27,024; the overall approximate odds of being eligible to win a food prize are one (1) in 9.
Posted by
2:21 p.m.
Labels: Timmy Ho
Cooking with Chickens!: Super good, gluten-free, lactose-free peanut butter cookies!
1. MIX together:
1 cup peanut butter (smooth or cunchy),
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
2. ROLL into balls and flatten with fork on ungreased baking sheet.
3. BAKE at 325°F for 20 minutes. Cool on a wire rack before placing in large "Pollio" tupperware container.
Alternate Recipe:
1. Get peanut butter
2. Make peanut butter cookies
DISCLAIMER (From Denise): These are the best cookies ever, and very addictive, and sometimes if you are like me they make you very hyper (I cleaned my desk today after just 4 cookies!!)
Posted by
1:27 p.m.
Labels: cooking with chickens, eat this, how to guide
Sunday, March 18, 2007
This is the 30-Second Bunnies Theatre from Angry Alien Productions. I laughed until I stopped!
Posted by
11:25 p.m.
Labels: archaeology, bunnies, cartoons, movies, the interweb, viral videos
What an age we live in!
Ahh the webcam! What a wonderful invention! I recently purchased the model pictured to the right. It is a Logitech QuickCam® Communicate STX with 640 x 480 VGA quality and RightLight™ technology (which provides improved image clarity in low light) and integrated microphone with RightSound™ technology (about $50). This is the most StarTrek-esque piece of technology I have (aside from my cellphone/communicator but everyone has those so it isn't as neat). In essence I have a video phone now and it is free (all you need is an internet connection). Truly we are in the golden age of communications. I know that it kind of looks like a borg appendage of some sort but it isn't scary once you accept it (resistance is futile). If my Mom can figure it out then anyone can (no offense Mom but you definitely have a Mom-level of techno-savy). I had lunch with her the other day and she lives in BC (for those of you who aren't clear, that means free long distance too).
Posted by
3:53 p.m.
Labels: shiny new things, technology
St.Patrick's Day is Crowded
Turns out there are patron saints for almost everything! Every one of them has a feastday too. So many things have a patron saint that almost every day of the year is jam packed with reasons for feasting and carrying on (or solemn contemplation I suppose, depending on what floats your particular catholicism-inspired party boat).

I guess that's why, because he was concerned with things that endured the test of time (and various taphonomic factors)? Ah, those wacky catholics eh?
Posted by
11:41 a.m.
Labels: holidays, politics and religion, saints
Cellphones and the like
Look at my shiny new cell phone! I am all about the jumping on bandwagons lately it seems, first cell phones then blogs. The acquisition of the phone was due to a combination of factors including my old shared phone becoming "unreliable" and the random mangling of various friends. I have therefore determined that cellphones are not the devil, but text messaging still is (even though it turns out I have that too). Especially the comercials that want you to text them and then they will send you a "yo mamma" joke or love advice or something stupid every day and charge you like a dollar per message. What kind of morons do that?! Wow, that started off OK but went to a bit of a bad place at the end there. Here, I'll put something funny to even it out:
I'm hoping the new free wireless access in Saskatoon will also include my new apartment (wherever that ends up being).
Posted by
11:22 a.m.
Labels: comics, shiny new things, technology
Say Goodbye
So the sister headed back to BC this morning and I was sad. Oh well, as little CP would say "at least I don't have two butts". Remember what is true for me is true for my sister, whenever I say something weird it's probably a Simpsons reference (bonus points for anyone who knows what episode it is from). Anyway, her flight left at 8:55 this morning and the parental units will pick her up in Kelowna around 11am (BC time). They will be happy to have her back. Little CP promises to write a post reviewing her trip to Saskatoon and all the interesting characters she met while here. Good times. I loved having you here and I am sad to see you go!
Posted by
10:01 a.m.
Labels: bunnies, cute things, little cp, simpsons
Friday, March 16, 2007
Sad Song
My sister has been singing this song ever since she came: I Will Follow You Into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie. This song makes me cry, especially the video because of the bunnies. Stupid bunnies! Anyway, the video is on YouTube but I won't put it up because it makes me cry. Here are the lyrics because my sister is making me.
Love of mine some day you will die
If Heaven and Hell decide
Posted by
4:03 p.m.
So, the "chicken" part, as some of you may or may not know, is from the unfortunate pervershion of my last name. Figure it out yourself!
Posted by
3:49 p.m.
Labels: chickens
What the ?! ..... Sisters!
Hey, CP's sister (also named CP ironically enough) here. I'm visiting Saskamatoon at the moment. Let me explain what the "What the?!" above refers to. My Dad has a habit of picking up everyday objects that he has seen about one million and one times before, and yelling in an angry and confused way " What the?!" as if the object is completely foreign, and that the idea of a fork or a pen is completely new to him. Good times... ahh the memories. hee hee
Posted by
3:35 p.m.
Oooooo! Shiny!
Little CP and I decided to start a blog while she was supposed to be studying for her learners permit exam. Also, everyone else was doing it and my window for actually jumping off a roof because everyone else was doing it closed last weekend. I am such a bad influence.
Posted by
2:41 p.m.
Labels: blogs, shiny new things