We're Missing the Chile #17: Brasil Edition
Now for more Brasilian doings straight from the little Cp's brain to your eyes.
Sites seen and purchases purchased:
- Capoeira - in the streets. It was cool. The instruments are played in a row called the bateria. The rhythm of the bateria is set by the berimbaus (stringed percussion instruments that look like muscial bows). Other instruments in the bateria are: two pandeiros (tambourines), a reco-reco (rasp), and an agogô (double gong bell). The atabaque (conga-like drum), a common feature in most capoeira baterias, is considered an optional instrument, and is not required for a full bateria in some groups.
-Cuíca - "you know in the samba music that goes squicky-squickey-squickey, it is the instrument that does that"
- bought bikini at Bumbum (hahaha), a fancy bikini boutique.
Fruits tried:
-obvious ones include manga (mango), abacaxi (pineapple), passionfruit ("maracuja" is passionfruit), and guava ("goiba" is really good and it is a common pop flavour)
-dragon fruit (maybe) and possibly guanabana while in Bolivia (check this post for notes on guanabana)
-acai, it's a berry. ya i ate that. it is ok, not great but meh-acerola, ya i ate that too, but i do not remember what it is, but i remember i liked it
-caju I haven't tried yet (it's where brazil nuts come from), but i have seen them (see photo) and they are cute
- caja is good
- mangaba
-pinha is one of my favouites...it reminds me of an alligator
We tried caju fruit (it was the end of the season), it is sweet and very fibrous and the juice stains. The nut part is cashew in English and called castanha by Brasilians. Brazil nuts as we know them are different.
I also love acerola, especially as juice or ice cream. (By the way, Brasilian ice cream is quite wonderful and has many unusual favours.)
Another strange fruit that I loved was umbu. It is dark green and looks similar to small limes. You don't eat the skin and the flesh is juicy and greenish-whitish pink.. It has a tangy flavour. My favourite fruits were the tangier kinds.
Other foods I liked were macaxera, and inhame.
PS That was a comment from your anonymous mom...
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