Simpsons references for Moms #2
"All pancakes aside"
Usage: to change the subject from a digression (esp. from distractions, something enjoyable, etc.) back to a pressing issue or concern.
Reference to: Season 16 Episode 21, "The Father, the Son, and the Holy Guest Star", in which Bart is expelled from Springfield Elementary and must be enrolled in St. Jerome's Catholic School. Marge becomes concerned when Bart, inspired by Father Sean (played by Liam Neesen), becomes interested in Catholocism. Marge sends Homer to confront Father Sean who then lures Homer to the religion over pancake dinner and bingo.
Other good quotes from this episode:Father Sean: [recalling what St. Peter said to him] "Sean, you wanker, repent of your sins or sod off!" (And then he gobbed in my eye and turned back into a lamp post).
Trivia: The initial plotline (Bart gets expelled/sent to another school) has been used more than once. In season 4 episode 20, "Whacking Day", he gets enrolled in a fundamentalist christian school and then must be home schooled. In season 8 episode 25, "The Secret War of Lisa Simpson", he gets sent to military school.
p.s. You may remember this reference from this post.
heheheheh !!!!! good ! I think will be very useful for moms. and I think it will be good to have this as a weekly thing because them other people will be able to know as many funnies as we know. OR ! we I say a funny other people will know what I am talking about and I will not be giggling to myself, and other people just looking at me sideways. but "all pancakes aside" it is a good idea. because even knowing simpsons quotes is a kind of dance ! sorry that one was a stretch..... what ever, because even stretching simpsons quotes is a kind of dance !!!! hahahaha
love you
i am looking forward ot next blog post! ;)
love little CP
let the education of the masses un-washed in the Simpsons wisdom begin!
ps. it will be nice to finally have a conversation with you that does not include dumb looks from me;-)
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