Blessed be His noodley appendage
Thy sauce is the light of the Universe. Chickens! wholeheartedly supports this church's great works as an accepting religious group that promotes respect for other ideologies and viewpoints (including scientific ones) while at the same time being inclusive and forthcoming about their own beliefs. In fact several of their promotional materials embrace science as a sister in the search for truth and enlightenment, an appealing point to fence-sitting FSM followers like myself (I have reconciled my various issues within my soul and I am at peace with our carbohydrate-laden Lord the Flying Spaghetti Monster). I urge everyone to peruse the (purely coincidental) hilarious promotional materials available on the FSM website including the many testimonials from scientists. Keep up the good work! Any church that has pirates and omnipotent pasta as it's major icons is OK by me! This ought to hold me until I eventually formalize my own religion (it's a work in progress).
An aside to those that be hatin':I would hope that no Pastafarian would be caught dead producing such barely literate hate material as has been sent to the FSM website that can be found in its "hate mail" section. The savory goodness that is His way should leave no room for such crunchy burnt bits of hatred, only tasty morsels of understanding layered with respect for others and frank, constructive, and open discourse (mmmm...franks). Much of the controversy is associated with the highly debated letter to the Kansas school board on the subject of the inclusion of ID ideas in the scientific curriculum and the potential changing of the definition of science.
p.s. Unfortunately I didn't have the full pirate regalia prescribed by the FSMChurch to be worn at all times when educating the masses about our great and able noodley master but I felt the message was too important to wait until I could get a pirate hat. Rest assured that I said "Arrr!" repeatedly while writing this post which I hope will serve to curtail His saucy wrath. Fight global warming! Become a Pirate!
1 comment:
haha god's meatballs are hanging out!!!! hehe
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