Quotes from the lab door
In the times before the blog I went through a brief phase of expressing myself through post-its on my lab door. These are the culmination of said post-its with added contextual information. Ahh memories.Re: Halloween decorations, specifically a cardboard skeleton hung on the door (this was my first door message, this one featured a saucy picture of a skeleton holding a shovel thinking "I'm goin' diggin' " and a little jack-o-lantern)
"Thank you for NOT discussing the errors in the skeleton - MNGMT"
Re: The life and times of Mr.Crunchy the plant (poor Mr.Crunchy).
Quote #1:
"Ernie Walker's Petting Zoo and Menagerie - Proud home of Mr.Crunchy!"
"Ernie Walker's Petting Zoo and Menagerie - Proud home of Mr.Crunchy!"
Quote #2:
"Mr.Crunchy R.I.P. - We hardly knew ye."
"Mr.Crunchy R.I.P. - We hardly knew ye."
Re: The first Dancing Bubble Kiss Time trip (this one included a picture of Mega Munch saying "Grrr Arg" with five stick people running away from it).
"D.B.K.T. Tour - Regina '06"
Re: Archaeology/Movies
"COMING SOON! The Archaeologist that ate Manhattan!"
"COMING SOON! The Archaeologist that ate Manhattan!"
"~Scotland Yard~ Our Motto: 'What's all this then?'"
Re: Archaeology (the archaeology quote of the day series started once I realized that not very many people would get the Simpsons thing (see above)
Quote#1: "An artifact box is like a box of chocolates..."
Quote#2: "...except for the chocolates part..."
Quote#3: "...mmmmmm...chocolate..."
Quote#3: "...mmmmmm...chocolate..."
Re: Archaeology part 2 (this was the last one before I lost interest, mostly because the post-its kept falling down).
"Archaeology ~ It's a dirty job...but that's why we like it!"
Ahh Yeah Nostalgia--but remember how pissed Ernie was about that skeleton and forced you guys to take it down?
Oh yeah! Was it that the inspector came by and it was still up even though Halloween was over? That sucked. I wonder what happened to that skeleton.
Why on earth did Ernesto make you take it down?? Bummer dude.
I think Ernie just annoyed that it was not anatomically correct!
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