I'm pleased with how much discussion is going on in the comments of my Earth Hour post. I thought I would make a reply post for this comment though because I had a lot to say.
It's really none of your business how much energy I use - if I want to crank up the power, then that's my decision, not yours. Climate change is a fantasy you and your ilk have cooked up to make yourselves feel like superheroes. Instead, in reality, you behave like fascists, complaining about the harmless actions of others, and attempting to impede modern conveniences and slow down progress.
March 30, 2008 6:37 PM
Really Sean? What makes you say that? I mean, I know why I said what I said. I know that climate change is happening based on abundant research (if you want me to give you articles I can but you may have to wait a little). The only question is the degree of influence that we are having on it. If we set aside the issue of climate change (which I realize is controversial), I know that non-renewable resources are finite so we shouldn't waste them. I know that pollution befouls the environment and hurts plants and animals (including people). I know that environmentally sound technology is cheaper and more efficient and the very definition of technological progress. Think about what London was like during the industrial revolution (pollution was so thick that people would get rickets because they never saw the sky) and what it’s like now, or look at the picture of Mexico City to the right. That's pollution, does that look like a fantasy to you? I also know that unless you somehow produce your own natural resources then quite frankly how much energy you use IS my business (for that manner how much I use is your business too). I’m not talking about you personally of course but as a group we are all responsible to each other for how much we use and how much we waste. Obviously no one person is expected to change the world by themselves (even though some do). Most people aren't even expected to do anything that is moderately difficult or even inconvenient. The point of Earth Hour was to raise awareness and show how easy it is to do little things and be sensitive to these concerns. Then maybe people in power will see how important this is to so many people. It does not make sense to just say environmentalists are making everything up and your actions are harmless with no explanation.
It also does not make sense to just accept what we are told without evidence. I always try to back up my opinions with reason and logic and I hope that I did just that in my previous blog post and in this one, but if I have not please let me know and I will try harder. I feel that if you are going to have an opinion you should be educated about the topic (as much as possible) and talk to people who have differing views than you and learn about them instead of judging them based on limited information. To that end I must admit that I have never actually had the opportunity to personally speak to someone with views like yours (only read their opinions and struggle to find reason in them) so, I think it might be constructive if you tried your best to educate me about your views in an open manner. That way I can learn why you think the way you do and hopefully understand you better. As I pointed out in an earlier post about anonymous religious comments, random spurts of opinions in comments on blogs are counter-productive. They'll only make my friends angry at you and no one will come away learning anything. Everyone will just end up with the same opinions as before and if anything there will be even less understanding. So please respond to this and explain your views to me so that I can try to see where you are coming form. I promise I will try just as hard (or harder) to understand you as you did to understand me and my views. I say this for two reasons: 1) I am responsible for what I say on my blog and I assume anyone who reads it is curious about my opinions so I will respond to any comment with as much thoughtfulness as I can; 2) you took the time to read and reply to my blog but I am unable to do the same. I understand if you would rather not make your profile public but I hope you comment back and please let me know your blog address so I can visit it sometime.
Update: Turns out I committed a case of mistaken identity. I hope there are no hard feelings. Sean (another Sean) was even kind enough to reply and I got to learn a little bit about him and his art so all is well that ends well I guess. I will take it as a lesson in not assuming. Anyway, thank you to the other Sean for replying and I'd like to say I appreciate your photography a lot more now that I better understand the meaning behind it.
Meh, it was my fault for not checking better. It turned out alright in the end I think. Other Sean seems to have liked the comment anyway. What are the odds that there would be more than one Sean commenting in our circle of blogs against Earth Hour? Well pretty good apparently. On the plus side we all learned a lesson and it indirectly caused me to become more educated about the Hockey stick controversy (a dispute over the methodology and data sets behind a graph of reconstructed estimates of mean temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere over the last thousand years which has been used as part of the evidence for anthropogenic climate change, highlighted in such movies as "An Inconvenient Truth"). So everybody wins. Hurray!
It's really none of your business how much energy I use - if I want to crank up the power, then that's my decision, not yours. Climate change is a fantasy you and your ilk have cooked up to make yourselves feel like superheroes. Instead, in reality, you behave like fascists, complaining about the harmless actions of others, and attempting to impede modern conveniences and slow down progress.
March 30, 2008 6:37 PM