Monday, January 7, 2008

Stomp that pickle revert!

I named my snowboard Blinky! The snowboard and bindings are both from Millenium Three and my new boots are Exus Thirtytwo. The thing is I was going to write a thing about snowboards or a thing about how to snowboard, etc. but I realized that I could say a lot more by giving links to things that have already been written by people who know a lot more about it than I do. I know that's not necessarily the point but there ya go.

Here is a handy guide to some snowboard language ("Phat five forty!", "I'm getting agro on this kicker!", "Stomp that pickle revert!", and the ever popular "I gotta blast a dookie!" are not on there, strange).
Here is a list of snowboarding info, I especially like the one with the little animations for beginners.
Here is a handy guide on how to buy a snowboard.
Here is an explanation of the internal anatomy of a snowboard.

And now...Pingu!
p.s. I found a Swedish version of this with subtitles. From what I understand Pingu language is gibberish so I wonder did someone sit down and guess what they were saying or is there an actual script in Pingu language that can be translated like the claymation version of Klingon? I figured it was probably the former and it was probably dirty so then I found a non-subtitled version just in case. Please forgive my skepticism of European language dubbing.


Anonymous said...

as usual the girl is the only one with any sense.
ps. what do you mean you don't speak Pingu?

Cara said...

Yeah I wish I had a butt pillow when I started dammit! Ummm I only speak the mountain dialect of Pingu - spoken by the rare mountain chickens of the Rockies and their close associates.

Creative Commons License
What the ?! ..... Chickens! by CP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada License.