Sunday, December 23, 2007

And now by popular demand...The Simpsons w Polska

Oh those Polish, how they love their Simpsons. Good times! It turns out that most of The Simpsons episodes, have been "lectored" but not fully dubbed. Lectored means that it was translated entirely by one (usually male) actor instead of a cast of characters. Apparently this is very common in Poland and most Russian speaking countries. It's also called a Gavrilov translation. Neat. I tried to find a lectored clip but I have no idea if the following clip is partially legit interspersed with crazy music clips are just all crazy.

[This clip has been removed because it turns out it is highly offensive. Who knew?!]

So then I found this clip but it is confusing, it sounds like there is Polish but I can't tell what is going on. I think I'm supposed to assassinate someone now but I'm not sure whom...

Oh, but The Simpsons Movie was fully dubbed into Polish. Unfortunately I couldn't find a clip of that either but here are some guys talking about the movie:

It seems that my first escapade into Polish Simpsons has been a moderately hilarious failure. Oh well, I'll keep looking. I did find the self-proclaimed "biggest Polish Simpsons website" here.

CP sez "increase your Polish-ness", fun words to learn and know that will help to navigate the website:

Napisy = Subtitles
Obrazki = Images
Inne Obrazki = Other Images
Fan Art = Fan Art
Programy = Software
Audio = Audio
Wygaszacze = Screen Savers
Tapety = Wallpapers
Themes = Desktop Themes
Skiny = Winamp Skins
Gry = Games
Wideo = Video
Ineraktywne = Interactive

p.s. Actually I have no idea if any of this is really Polish. They said it was but I don't know. K is this actually the spider pig song: "Swinski pajak, Swinski pajak. Robi to co kazdy swinski pajak. Uwaga, to swinski pajak" ? The online translator wouldn't tell me but at least some of the words are right aren't they?
p.p.s.You know what?! I don't even believe in Poland! It's all a lie! A lie I tell you!


Anonymous said...

`oh man, insanity! the first clip is not a translation but a lot of really bad swearing and made up shit, also really gross. the second clip is just plain weird, doesn't make any sense to me, though it is in Polish. the third one is indeed a review of the movie. the spider pig song is translated correctly. the little vocab section also works.
the best thing is i've been speaking so much Polish since friday my English is getting better;)
though i could just be having an extremely elaborated dream...

Cara said...

Uh Oh! I'm going to remove that offensive clip then. And maybe that crazy clip too just in case. At least I got the spider pig song right and that's what's important!

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