Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Mind of π (#1)

So it comes to this. A post series on the musings from the mind of my Dad (π has always been my Dad's symbol). You may remember that my Dad inspired half of the title for this blog (click here for other Dad mentionings). Dad thinks his first post should be about his idea that superheroes all come from Genesis 6. Basically, all superheroes have angel genes and that gives them their abilities (even Batman). Don't even get him started or he'll go on and on worse than when I talk about my "Nothing Nothing" theory of the Universe.

Now we aren't talking about a scenario like in the movie Hancock or the myriad other movies where an angel is the hero, or comic book angel types (someone made a list of all the angel-esque comic book superheroes here, there's 73 by their count), or the X-men nerds among you (I know there's at least one) may remember an angel character in there. These are are different because they are all actual angels or chararcters that vaguely look like angels, whereas Dad is talking about a demigod kind of concept (like Hercules or Samson) where superheroes are the descendants of angels. He envisions a movie that is kind of a cross between "Unbreakable" and "Jurassic Park" where geneticists cobble together the "angel genes" from different people to create some crazy genetic angel Frankensteins...and mayhem ensues. I dunno, I'd go see it. It's got just the right amount of blasphemy.


Anonymous said...

wow, it's even better than i imagined

Cara said...

Thanks Dad!

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