Check out this website (thanks to Saskboy for the link) if you're curious about specific examples of the Conservatives flouting of law, order, ethics, the welfare of Canadians and other frivolities such as "the truth", "equality", and "human decency". My favorite is #1 because it is the most recent and is fresh in my mind but they're all good. However, I also like this one and this one (especially in the light of Harper's tough stance on crime for the election). And this one is pretty stupid and this one is quite interesting. Oh well I could go on and on. You know what I don't like? When a party that wants to be re-elected into power makes new campaign promises. It just makes me think, "Oh yeah? If you think these things are important why didn't you do them when you were in power?". If they were doing a good job, the best thing they would be able to say would be, "look at what we've done, we'll be doing more of that".
If you don't know, "ABC" stands for anything but conservatives. Since we are not a two party system, this plan leads us down the path of strategic voting, voting for a less desirable candidate to reduce the chances of an even less desirable candidate taking the seat. While I'm all for sending the conservatives packing, the trend of strategic voting should be taken with a grain of salt. Check out this list if you are considering voting strategically. There are relatively few ridings in which voting strategically would actually make a significant difference to the outcome. Also, remember that every vote for your party means more federal funding (if it secures more than 2% of the vote that is) even if it doesn't win seats. FYI, according to the list there are only 39 ridings in which Green supporters should even consider voting strategically if they favor the ABC plan.