Saturday, July 4, 2009

This blog for adults only? What the?!

Go figure! Apparently I'm harder core than I thought. The rating works by searching for random key words like "dead", "sex", etc. and must compare it to total word count or something. I assume it's something like this because if I just rate the recent posts, the blog is rated R (the Evil Dead post puts me over the edge there I think) and flags "sexy" as a bad word and if I rate the entire blog it doesn't. Anyway, click the image to rate your own blog (just change the address in the box). It's set to my blog now and will update every time you click it (because I used the method below) so my bad word counts are only going to go up. Woohoo!

Here's a compiled bad word list (from the few searches I did to see if the results would differ). Ironically this post upped my bad word counts so this list is invalid now (there's at least 4 bad words in the first paragraph alone!). In my defense all of those cocks were referring to roosters (oh wait there's another one):

* dead (33x)
* death (25x)
* zombie (14x)
* hurt (12x)
* kill (9x)
* sex (8x)
* hell (6x)
* corpse (4x)
* shit (3x)
* cock (3x)
* murder (2x)
* pain (2x)
* shoot (1x)
* dangerous (1x)

A Chickens! How to: display all blog posts

Like I said, I set it up so it would rate the entire blog including archives (not just the recent displayed posts). To display all of your posts (for Blogger) just type in your http address followed by:
where "N" is the number of posts you want displayed. So mine might look like:

This works for backing up your blog too, just type that in and save the webpage (this might take a while if your blog is big). You can find out how many posts you have from the Dashboard (F.Y.I. I have 339 as of today).

p.s. Hell! Damn! Fart!


The Lurker said...

Oh C! I'm so disappointed in your vulgarity! HAHAHA!! I did it with my blog and I'm rated PG-13 because I have words like, "crap", "hell", "death" and "shit". Good thing no one reads it! :)

Cara said...

Ha I read it you just never update :(

The Lurker said...

Yeah, I know. I'm just too boring! :) If only I could think of something interesting to post. Apparently Adam got a blog too - lobsters with knives or something along those lines - to save himself from the boredom in Regina.

Adam said...

I did make one, not really much there yet but you are welcome to take a look at. I decide to nerd it up with a computer game post about zombies and another talking about the RSM.

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What the ?! ..... Chickens! by CP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada License.