Thursday, June 25, 2009

We're Missing the Chile #15: Brasil Edition

New fave food: Mugunza - a dessert made with hominy. Hominy is nixtamalized maize kernals (see pic below).

CP sez "increase your wordiness":
Nixtamalization is a process by which the hull and germ (pericarp) of a grain is removed by soaking and cooking the kernel in an alkaline solution (e.g. lime water or ash solution). The process was first developed in Mesoamerica (the word actually derives from Aztec and Spanish words) some 3500 years ago for the preparation of maize and the term usually refers specifically to this activity.

FYI: While unprocessed corn is an insufficient dietary stable, a combo of nixtamalized corn and beans does a body good because the corn picks up free niacin from the processing and the beans provide amino acids and protein. Mugunza has peanuts in it (which is a legume fruit like beans) so this dessert is actually a full meal deal. Except that little cp doesn't like the version with peanuts. So basically she likes corn with coconut milk.

Fave activities: continues to be Forró. So much forró very tired...zzzzzzzzz...

Places visited:
-Forró Caju (2009) - a huge place for partying (Badalando). Here's a map with a bunch of crazy things attached to it.
-Fazenda Boa Luz (a resort/farm) for dancing, drinks, and carrying on. Got flowers from a weirdo. Here's another crazy map.
-"Vila do Forró" - a traditional place where we have typical food and songs.
-Went to "Fazenda Mercedes" - the uncle's farm. Good sentimental times. Lorena was mushy.
-Colégio Master and Colégio Ideal - checking out various schools with the sisters, just being proactive with the edumacation and all.

p.s. Did you know the June 12th is the Brazilian version of Valentine's day? It's called Dia dos Namorados and it occurs on the eve of the feast day for St. Anthony of Padua, one of the 3 saints celebrated during Festa Junina. Also celebrated are St.Peter and Saint John the Baptist, hence the more common name for the festival, São João (Saint John).

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