Sunday, June 27, 2010

Venn Diagrams

Now with this handy chart that has been circulating the internets, everyone can shout "NERD!" at true nerds with maximum efficiency.It seems Venn diagrams are all the rage these days. I quite like the website Indexed, which is a great source of graph related hilarity/inobtrusive social commentary (although it's not all Venn diagrams) and it even has a nerds vs. geeks comic too. Here's some other good ones, apparently done in honour of Indexed. I especially like the zombie/Jesus/Frankenstein one. Ha!

p.s. I also really like this one about hybrid cutlery. Hee hee...Knork!

Creative Commons License
What the ?! ..... Chickens! by CP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada License.